Interwoven traces
Searching for traces of the past, perspectives on the present, and visions for (un-)real future matters, visual artist Johanna Tatzgern and choreographer Doris Stelzer go on an expedition around the area of the former “Felixdorfer Weberei und Appretur” (Felixdorf Weaving Mill and Finishing).
Factory halls, boiler house and mansion – the architectural microcosm testifies to the industrial heyday of the textile industry in Lower Austria’s Industrieviertel and especially in Felixdorf. Today, the area is partly utilised by the business park “Euro Center Felixdorf”, partly decayed, and faces re-orientation after takeover by a new owner.
With the artistic means of photography, video, text and performance, the two artists establish a relation with the architecture, the landscape, and the people. As art tourists, they delve into historical and current matters, interweaving traces, thoughts and visions in the shape of an installative exhibition trail with live performance.
Artistic concept and realisation Johanna Tatzgern, Doris Stelzer
Production Goldfuß unlimited
Photo © Johanna Tatzgern/Doris Stelzer
Support Gemeinde Felixdorf, Enziana GmbH, Energie- und Umweltagentur NÖ – eNu, ttp WUK, Lebenshilfe Niederösterreich, Melodi Eventcenter und proVM
In the frame of Viertelfestivals NÖ – Industrieviertel the patronage of mayor Walter Kahrer!
Location Old weaving mill site in Felixdorf, Entrance Euro Center Felixdorf, Fabriksgasse 15, 2603 Felixdorf, 5 Minutes walk of the railway station Felixdorf